Tuesday 20 August 2013

Episode 13 - Dream Out Loud

A few years ago while channel – surfing, I heard a few bars of acoustic guitar on Vh1.  A soaring Eagle voice and phenomenal acoustic guitar snatched my attention. As the video ended, I came to know the song is “It’s Raining now” by Dream Out Loud. I jumped to the conclusion (who wouldn't?) that it must be a USA band. When I googled them, I found out to my great joy and surprise that they are an Indian band – a Mumbai band.

The ultimate test of a rock band is their acoustic songs and this one of the best. It ranks with ‘Love of my life’, ‘More than words’, ‘Patience’, ‘39’. So I went out and bought their album ‘Human Race.’ The CD came with a lyrics booklet. Its poetry and extremely good poetry at that!

Fast forward a few years, and the guy who sang “No more tears to cry, no more need to lie” is now belting out “Bhaag Bhaag Bose D.K!”

Quo Vadis Dream Out Loud? This band, according to me should have been playing stadiums by now all over the world. What happened? They had the Dream, the Ambition, and the Potential. I don’t care about what happened, but I bet every rock lover would have loved to see this band dominate the international rock scene. They are a gazillion times better than Coldplay!

So Who? Where? When? Why? What happened? Why didn't a major record label sign them? Because I’m damn sure they would have sold like 20 million copies ALL OVER THE WORLD!

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