Saturday 1 June 2013

    Episode 7- PALM EXPO India-2013.

How was Palm Expo 2013? To begin with, Loud and Noisy and Crowded!
 But how I enjoyed myself! 
And what do I have to say? The future of non-Bollywood music is BRIGHT. My theory is, let’s say 10000 people visited Palm Expo on any single day, out of those ten thousand, let’s say a 1000 are genuinely interested in playing music, out of those 1000 guys, there might be 10 really fantastic musicians. Now multiply 10 by 3 days, so you get 30 Top Level musicians, that is 5-6 top level bands. It’s a fool proof formula and a very promising ratio. There is a huge potential, so mamas and papas buy your son or daughter that electric guitar, drum-set or keyboards because that is the best investment you’ll ever make. There is a decent and a respectable living to be made in music. So, the more the merrier!

On a personal note, I got to try the new Gibson Les Paul Min-ETune. I was playing a Vox guitar at the Furtado’s booth- my mix of blues, rock and Hoolahan slide. Mr. Nick Aslin- the representative of Gibson USA heard my playing and told an assistant to hand me the Les Paul. He came over and explained the auto-tuning and other features of the guitar. I felt privileged and it was a wonderful experience.

The Gibson is a very friendly guitar. Usually I need time to get used to a new guitar but with the Gibson, it felt as if I had been playing the guitar for all my life (Oh how I wish!) It felt perfect. So if you have the money, (i.e. around Rs.90000) BUY IT NOW. The auto-tuning is an extremely useful feature, one press on a button and you have the tuning you want and need I say, it sounds AWESOME!

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