Friday 17 May 2013

Episode 3- Highway to Hell

Yesterday I had to take my Vox AC4TV tube amp to a South Bombay music store for some servicing. Because the amp is so dear to me, I decided to take it by taxi. I was comforted to see that the taxi driver was an elderly, venerable looking man and so my mom, who accompanied me, and I were relaxed as we believed that he would drive extra safely. However we were in for a shock when the 70 plus fellow went from 0 to 60 in two seconds! And so my ride on the Highway to Hell had begun…

 On the highway, the crazy cab driver went zipping and zooming past every vehicle. He kept honking frantically at bikes, cars, buses and gigantic trucks! My mom asked him to slow down but all in vain. After nearly one hour we were in the city. I gave a sigh of relief thinking that the city traffic will compel him to drive slowly but that didn't stop our wild man. It was like the RHCP video ‘By the Way.’

Now that we were in the city this guy was not deterred by narrow and congested lanes. We were nearly rammed by buses on two occasions when he jumped signals. When we told him to be careful he nodded his head and gave a smile. Maybe he was senile or partially blind or in a terribly bad mood.
This atrocious driving was an eye opener. And to think I have to spend another 20-30 years of my music career, with my life in the hands of drivers who may be high on drugs or booze or god knows what!

Well, this is the life I've chosen and I’ll take my chances!

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