Wednesday 15 May 2013

Episode 2 - Bloody Nonsense

One good thing came of the shock treatment- I've started thinking hard. I met a guy just returned from a well acclaimed guitar institute abroad. During the course of the conversation he said, “Oh, those guys are good. It’s in their blood.” Asked to explain, he continued, “See, try to cover Angus Young and you’ll find you can’t play a chord the way he does.”

My Scorpio blood began to boil. “But why” I asked, “should one always forever try to cover Angus Young or Brian May or Kurt Cobain?”  I mean, I worship these guys, but why can’t we have more heroes of our own? Like Rudy Wallang.

I think we've got this cement concrete in our heads- we’re never gonna be as good as them. Rock/Metal is never gonna have a future in India. Bullshit!!!

Why not say, “We’ll rule the world!” That attitude drives South Korea, Japan, and China. Tinariwen has that attitude. 

After all, the sound of music is all about ‘I have confidence in me!’ \m/

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